
Cardiology specialises in all cardio vascular disorders (heart and arteries).

These disorders occur due to a number of different causes.

Ex: Heart rate issues (heart throbbing, ectopic heartbeat…), blood pressure (high blood pressure…), shortness of breath, cholesterol, but also heart failure, coronary thrombosis, pericarditis etc.

The cardiologist will commonly use electrocardiograms (ECG) or ultrasounds at your appointment to check your heart’s health and to determine a diagnosis.

Appointment's timetable

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Dr Beauthier, Elisabeth 14.00 - 16.40 08.00 - 12.00 08.00 - 12.00
Dr Castadot, Marc 14.00-16.30 08.00-11.30 14.00-16.30
Dr Malerba, Gianluigi 12:00 - 17.00
Dr Vercauteren, Steven 08.00 - 11.30 08.00 - 11.30 14.00-16.30
Book an appointment

Technical exams

These examinations can be organised if requested by your doctor or as part of a check up if the cardiologist finds it necessary.

At Medicis, the technical staff in charge of all Holter and MATA tests is Mr Bernard Muysoms. He will organize an appointment to place all devices required and then will read the data collected prior to forwarding the results to the referring doctor; your cardiologist in most cases.

Electrocardiogram or ECG

It allows monitoring of the heart’s electric activity thanks to electrodes placed on the body by the cardiologist. An electrocardiographic pattern is then received, this allowing detection of any defects in the heart’s rhythm or any other anomalies. This exam is simple, painless and permits the gathering of a lot of data on the heart’s state.

Stress test

A stress test consists in measuring the pulse, blood pressure and the ECG while being under physical stress. At Medicis, the stress test is done on an ergometer cycle (bicycle). Prior to starting to pedal, the cardiologist will place electrodes on the torso, which will read the heart rate for the whole duration of the test. A blood pressure cuff will also be placed on the arm, which will allow checking your blood pressure evolution while undergoing the stress test. This tests only last a few minutes and allows collecting data and determines your ability to manage physical stress. Coronary heart disease can also be screened while undergoing the test as it controls the efficiency of a high blood pressure treatment and the evolution after a coronary thrombosis, etc.

Ultrasonic cardiography

Ultrasonic cardiography uses ultrasounds to visualize the heart from different angles. This painless exam, allows the observation of the heart in details and to detect potential issues with the cardiac muscle: supersized left or right heart, bad functioning of the heart muscle or valves. The doppler studies the cardiac valves and allows to visualize the blood flow to the heart.

Cardiac rhythm and blood pressure monitoring (Holter or MATA examinations)

In particular cases, the cardiologist will judge useful to measure the evolution of the blood pressure or cardiac rhythm in a constant test over 24hr, 48hr or 72 hr. These monitoring exams require an external device to be placed on the bodywhich is light and painless.

Frequently asked questions

What are the symptoms that will lead a patient to organizing an appointment with a cardiologist ?

Most frequent symptoms are as follows: shortness of breath and chest pains when under stress or at rest, heart palpitations, dizziness, loss of consciousness, feeling of faintness, fainting and blackouts, headaches, (to exclude a high blood pressure), bloated legs and feet (to exclude a problem of cardiac decompensation), high cholesterol, and past family history of heart diseases etc.

Is there any particular preparation for the stress test ?

No but it is recommended not to fast.

Is it necessary to see a cardiologist prior to exercising ?

Yes, from 50 years old or earlier if it is an « intense » sport, as for example prior to the Brussels 20 km run or any marathon.

Is a regular cardiac check recommended after a certain age ?

Yes, a regular cardiac check would be recommended when reaching 50 years old. If you have any risk factors, for example family past history with coronary thrombosis, high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, etc…a check around 40 years old is highly recommended.

Should I stop taking my medication prior to a cardiac test/ check ?

No, please continue to take your medication as usual.

Should I take a blood test prior to my appointment ?

Since cardiologists work closely with your doctor; it is always recommended to bring along prior blood tests results previously requested by your GP.