Pathology & nursing care
Medicis has an onsite pathology and nursing care service available to all patients, including children.
For children aged between 0 and 4 years, it is necessary to make an appointment with the nurse (02.762.03.25).
Children more than 4 years old can come without appointment.
A referral is required for both all nursing care services and medical analyses.
Blood samples, urine/stools samples, Pap smear samples etc. are sent to the pathology head office L.B.S (Boulevard de l’Humanité 116 1070 Bruxelles, tel: 02.349.67.11). All results will be forwarded directly to the referring doctor.
An invoice will be sent a few weeks later after your samples have been taken.
Since 2008, Medicis can also provide a nursing care service for all patients.
Payment for all nursing care services received while at the pathology department is to be made on the day and directly to the nurse in cash or with card.
Laboratoire et soins infirmiers